dicembre, 2016

20dic(dic 20)14:3017gen(gen 17)19:00PRESEPE DI CASTELLAZZO 2016WINE, FOOD AND FOLKLORE(dicembre 20) 14:30 - (gennaio 17) 19:00 Castellazzo Bormida (AL), Oratorio SS. Pietà, Via VerdiCATEGORIA:SAPORIGENERE:Festa TradizionaleTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:CASTELLAZZO BORMIDA (AL)

Dettagli Evento

It is a nativity scene of over 100 square meters, with light, water and snow. There are over 30 mechanical movements which recreate the ancient crafts that now live on only in the memories of our grandparents, inserted in scenarios that change every year ranging from snowy landscapes, the hills of Monferrato up to reconstruct the distant deserts of the Middle East.
Visitable: Monday to Friday from 14.30 to 19.00;
Saturday Sunday and holidays from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.30 to 19.00

Where: Via Verdi
Info: tel .: cell .: 0131270167 3286248737


Dicembre 20 (Martedì) 14:30 - Gennaio 17 (Martedì) 19:00


Castellazzo Bormida (AL), Oratorio SS. Pietà, Via Verdi


0131270167 cell.: 3286248737