dicembre, 2016

07dic(dic 7)17:3006gen(gen 6)22:00"ETICHETTE, INSOLITE ESPRESSIONI DELL'UNIVERSO DEL VINO"EXHIBITIONS(dicembre 7) 17:30 - (gennaio 6) 22:00 Cairo Montenotte (SV), Cinema Teatro Osvaldo Chebello, Piazza della VittoriaCATEGORIA:ARTEGENERE:ArteTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:CAIRO MONTENOTTE (SV)


Dettagli Evento

Over 70,000 labels from around the world, finely cataloged (from animals to sports, from “Sex” labels to those that represent the Italian regions, etc.), are true works of art that offer a varied and unusual views of ‘universe of wine, but also of human activity and its customs.

The public can visit the exhibition from 7 December to 6 January, from Monday to Friday from 17 to 20, Saturdays and Sundays from 17 to 22; Thursdays and Saturdays, the exhibition will be open from 10 to 12. All proceeds will be donated to the Italian Association for the fight against Neuroblastoma, asylum Monsignor Bertolotti Cairo Montenotte and d ‘kindergarten Vincenzo Picca Bragno.

Given the charity, there are many local artists who wanted to contribute to the cause producing several paintings inspired by the world of wine and the grape harvest, the contribution which is added that of the cartoonist Massimo Gariano that will add a bit ‘of salt exposure with his cartoons: “Wine Wide World”.

Where: Teatro Comunale ‘Osvaldo Chebello’

Info: Municipality of Cairo Montenotte, Verallia AND Association of Bormida


Dicembre 7 (Mercoledì) 17:30 - Gennaio 6 (Venerdì) 22:00


Cairo Montenotte (SV), Cinema Teatro Osvaldo Chebello, Piazza della Vittoria


Comune di Cairo Montenotte (SV) e Pro LocoComune tel. 0195 0707307 | urp@comunecairo.it ; Pro Loco tel. 333 8289635; 339 8783473 ; 333 8289635| cairoproloco@libero.it ; info@cairomedievale.it