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luglio, 2018
30 centuries of conservation, preparation and consumption of food. PROGRAM: Greetings from the Authority The protohistoric Roots of the kitchen in Piedmont and Liguria - Filippo Maria Gambari
30 centuries of conservation, preparation and consumption of food.
Greetings from the Authority
The protohistoric Roots of the kitchen in Piedmont and Liguria – Filippo Maria Gambari (Museum of Civilizations – Rome)
At the table with the Romans: the power of the ancients between myth and history – Anna Ferrari (essayist and scholar of classical antiquities)
Following> inauguration of the exhibition “The Food crosses History” at the Civic Archaeological Museum
Where: Enoteca Regionale Acqui “Spas and Wine” – Piazzetta A. Levi
Info: Comune Acqui Terme> http://comune.acquiterme.al.it/manifestazioni
(Sabato) 16:00 - 19:59
Acqui Terme (AL), Enoteca Regionale, Piazzetta A. Levi
Comune Acqui TermeUfficio turismo 0144 770298 / 0144 770274 | turismo@comuneacqui.com
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