giugno, 2023

17giu(giu 17)13:3018(giu 18)22:30IMMERSIVE PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPCONFERENCES & TRAINING13:30 - 22:30 (18) Loazzolo (AT)CATEGORIA:WORKSHOPGENERE:Fotografia,WorkshopTARGET:Per Adulti,Per RagazziCOMUNE:CESSOLE (AT),LOAZZOLO (AT)


Dettagli Evento

Chase beauty up and down the hills of Langhe and Monferrato with me!

Imagine strolling through golden vineyards, through the streets of ancient villages observing breathtaking views accompanied by an expert who will guide you to discover secret corners and striking views.

For years, I have been passionately dedicated to landscape photography, capturing the timeless beauty of my wonderful hills. My boundless love for the land and my deep knowledge have led me to become a true beauty hunter.

This two-day immersive workshop is carefully designed to provide you with an engaging and comprehensive training. Whether you are a beginner or experienced photographer or a simple lover of photography. I will guide you from the creation of a photographic concept, to final editing, each step of the creative process will be explored in depth. You will master composition, make the most of light, and hone your eye to capture the perfect moments.

Come with me to capture the essence of this fascinating territory and turn your passion for photography into something extraordinary!

WHERE: Between Langhe and Monferrato

DURATION: 2 days



17 (Sabato) 13:30 - 18 (Domenica) 22:30


Loazzolo (AT)


Manuel Cazzola


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