agosto, 2023

04ago(ago 4)14:0010(ago 10)19:00SUMMER IN A BOX - BANCA DEL FAREWORKSHOP14:00 - 19:00 (10) Castelletto Uzzone (CN), Cascina Crocetta, Strada Provinciale 52CATEGORIA:WORKSHOPGENERE:WorkshopTARGET:Per Adulti,Per Ragazzi,Per StudentiCOMUNE:CASTELLETTO UZZONE (CN)


Dettagli Evento


Workshop of pinhole cameras construction and realization of a project with pinhole images for the preparation of an exhibition in the church of San Luigi re di Francia.

The project aims to explore the possibilities of analog photography through ‘cameras’ created from boxes or other containers (also waste material).
The objective is to relate the object used as a ‘camera’ with the surrounding environment through the artist’s gesture. The images will then be created through the so-called ‘pinhole photography’, which is based on the principle of ‘camera obscura’, archetype of modern photographic equipment. In these boxes, which were used since the Renaissance to draw live, the image from the outside is projected inside through a tiny hole, called pinhole, on a photosensitive support (usually photographic paper or film) in black and white. Depending on the shape of the container and the types of holes, it will be possible to obtain interesting effects of distortions, elongations, etc., that participants can explore and use in the creation of a sequence of images.

Lorenza Demata: Lorenza (Lori) Demata is a photographer, educator, researcher and visual artist, based in Turin and London. Her practice is mainly constituted by documentary and conceptual photography and it is research based and informed.
Her works are declined on the analysis of relevant social themes and identity issues, such as transnationalism, decolonisation, archives and collective memory. These areas of interest intertwine with globalisation and gender studies, digital humanities, transmediality.  Born in Naples and raised in Florence, she graduated in 2012 in International Cooperation and Conflict Management.
She attended the Three Years Course in Photography at Fondazione Studio Marangoni in Florence, where she graduated in 2016. She graduated with Distinction from the MA in Photography (2017) at London College of Communication

7 days of intensive work (theoretical lessons + practical realization) and of discovery of the territory of the Alta Langa through hiking and sightseeing activities.

VENUE: Cascina Crocetta

INFO: For information and registration > mail.; Or fill out the form below:


4 (Venerdì) 14:00 - 10 (Giovedì) 19:00


Castelletto Uzzone (CN), Cascina Crocetta, Strada Provinciale 52



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