settembre, 2016
10 ^ Fair dell'Addolorata in with craft stalls and local products, old trades and feast of threshing, live music and dance performances. Where: Old Town Info: Info: Antonietta Cresta (ref. Municipality) 0131
10 ^ Fair dell’Addolorata in with craft stalls and local products, old trades and feast of threshing, live music and dance performances.
Where: Old Town
Info: Info: Antonietta Cresta (ref. Municipality) 0131 272832 | |
(Domenica) 10:00 - 23:45
Castellazzo Bormida (AL), Piazzale Primo Maggio
Comune di Castellazzo Bormida Antonietta Cresta - Pro Loco Giovanni Pratitel. 0131272832 - | tel. 346 686945 - proloco@radiosanpaolo