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luglio, 2018
As part of the cultural initiatives planned by the Municipality of Acqui Terme for the two-year period 2018-2019 and developed in agreement with the Superintendency, it is inserted as a
As part of the cultural initiatives planned by the Municipality of Acqui Terme for the two-year period 2018-2019 and developed in agreement with the Superintendency, it is inserted as a second appointment, after the presentation of the book “La città ritrovata. The forum of AquaeStatiellae and its district “on May 26th, the inauguration of the exhibition” Food crosses history. 30 centuries of conservation, preparation and consumption of food “. The exhibition aims to accompany the visitor to learn about foods and flavors dear to the populations that have inhabited the territory of AquaeStatiellae. The route will allow to deepen the eating habits, the techniques of preparation and conservation of food from prehistoric times up to the Middle Ages, using a selection of significant finds. The exhibition, set up in the rooms of the Civic Archaeological Museum, will remain open until October 28th c.a.
Contact person for the event office: dott.ssa Marica Venturino
– Department of Culture of the Municipality of Acqui Terme
– Civic Archaeological Museum
LINKS: – http://comune.acquiterme.al.it/cultura-spettacolo/ – http://www.acquimusei.it/
Where: Civic Archaeological Museum of Acqui Terme, via Morelli 2
Info: 011/19524440; +39 0144/770300
Luglio 7 (Sabato) 17:00 - Novembre 14 (Mercoledì) 21:00
Acqui Terme (AL), Civico Museo Archeologico – Via Morelli, 2
Comune Acqui TermeUfficio turismo 0144 770298 / 0144 770274 | turismo@comuneacqui.com
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