luglio, 2016

06lug(lug 6)20:0031(lug 31)22:30ARTE IN "MILLESIMO" - 2 PHOTO EXHIBITIONSMOSTRE 20:00 - 22:30 (31) Millesimo (SV), Castello del CarrettoCATEGORIA:ARTEGENERE:FotografiaTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:MILLESIMO (SV)


Dettagli Evento

Special attention given to the so-called ‘art of the new millennium’, a photograph, which will be the protagonist in July throughout the month, with the exhibits “in thousandths, portraits of the country” and “Valley Photography” sponsored by Look Young with the collaboration of millesimesi Giorgio Levratto and Federica Belli.

The truly innovative idea dell’allestimento “Portraits of the country” is the formula that change every week the exhibited photographs. For photographers, during Wednesday “A Millesimo Movida” organized by CIV Millesimo, will be in the square and immortalize the millesimesi and not, whose photos will then be exhibited at the Castle the following week.

The exhibit downstairs, “Photography in the Valley”, will be stable and will present suggestive images of the Bormida Valley edited by different photographers, professionals and amateurs.

As of this evening, Wednesday, July 6, George and Federica await you at Millesimo Castle to observe together the photographs of “thousandths … portraits of the country” and “Valley Photography.”
Hours photographic exhibitions: every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday in July from 20.00 to 22.30 in the halls of Millesimo Castle.

Where: Castello Enrico II del Carretto, exhibitions floor, first floor.

Info: Townhall of Millesimo – Councillor Andrea Manconi – 019 564007, ext. 27 /


6 (Mercoledì) 20:00 - 31 (Domenica) 22:30


Millesimo (SV), Castello del Carretto


Comune di Millesimo, Assessore Andrea Manconi - 019 564007, int.