giugno, 2016

03giu(giu 3)00:0027(giu 27)23:59IN ARTE "MILLESIMO" - GIò CIOCCAEXHIBITIONS00:00 - 23:59 (27) Millesimo (SV), Castello del CarrettoCATEGORIA:ARTEGENERE:Arte,Pittura,SculturaTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:MILLESIMO (SV)


Dettagli Evento

The Castle of Carretto Millesimo also reopens its doors this year, to host a long summer season of art exhibitions. Like every year, this prestigious site will be available from June to September, the valbormidesi artists and beyond and will host productions of different content.

Who will inaugurate in June the 2016 season will be the cengese Gio Ciocca, long painting experience artists, from figurative to extemporaneous valuable investigator that continually reinvents itself. Ciocca also uses his skills in carving the wood in setting titled “Gio … Cando with the colors.”

Where: Castello Enrico II del Carretto, exhibitions floor, first floor. The Castle is open from June to September, Saturdays and Sundays from 14:00 to 19:00. Other days by appointment>

Info: Townhall of Millesimo – Councillor Andrea Manconi – 019 564007, ext. 27 /


3 (Venerdì) 00:00 - 27 (Lunedì) 23:59


Millesimo (SV), Castello del Carretto


Comune di Millesimo, Assessore Andrea Manconi - 019 564007, int.