agosto, 2016

02ago(ago 2)14:0018set(set 18)19:00IN ARTE "MILLESIMO" - GROUP EXHIBITIONEXHITIONS(agosto 2) 14:00 - (settembre 18) 19:00 Millesimo (SV), Castello del CarrettoCATEGORIA:ARTEGENERE:Arte,PitturaTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:MILLESIMO (SV)


Dettagli Evento

In August a group of experienced artists and completely different ages gather at Millesimo Castle, in a group exhibition that will engage them together. Together … but different: the brothers Stephen and Andrea Santo propose one original and perfect reproductions hand-free rally car – subject to certain new pictorial level – in “Colors and engines”; the other in “art games” drawings in different techniques of singular entity, such as his beautiful horse in the blood pencil chess. Aldina Salvatico, millesimese that has long had a passion for painting, has already exhibited his works in the past, the result of years of oil painting experience; but it is his first time at Millesimo Castle, with its new paintings grouped in very suggestive title of “Dreams and imagination.” Rosa Maria Ferrando is instead at his first public experience, although it has always been an artist of the little things, as it already does imagine the title he gave to his shows, “The beauty of every day.” Fabrics, everyday objects, ceramics will be his contribution to the exhibition.

Where: Castello Enrico II del Carretto, exhibitions floor, first floor. The Castle is open from June to September, Saturdays and Sundays from 14:00 to 19:00. Other days by appointment>
Info: Municipality of Millesimo, Councillor Andrea Manconi – 019 564007, ext. 27 /


Agosto 2 (Martedì) 14:00 - Settembre 18 (Domenica) 19:00


Millesimo (SV), Castello del Carretto


Comune di Millesimo, Assessore Andrea Manconi - 019 564007, int.