luglio, 2016
On the occasion of the XXXII edition of 'na Vià Ensem tuc' and the Festival of St. Peter: The polyphonic choir "Santa Cecilia" of Alba in concert. Soprano Gabriella Seventh Piano Daniel Cat Directors
On the occasion of the XXXII edition of ‘na Vià Ensem tuc’ and the Festival of St. Peter:
The polyphonic choir “Santa Cecilia” of Alba in concert.
Soprano Gabriella Seventh
Piano Daniel Cat
Directors Edward Corino & Giuseppe Olivero
The proceeds of this event will be entirely allocated to the works of restoration of the chapel of San Rocco.
Where: Castle Gardens
Info: Association for the Study of Cravanzana in collaboration with the Parish S.S. Peter and Vitale
(Domenica) 17:30
Cravanzana (CN), Giardini del Castello
Associazione per gli Studi su Cravanzana - 0173/855015