maggio, 2023

20mag(mag 20)17:0009lug(lug 9)19:00EXHIBITION "1950-2000: L'ARTE CONTEMPORANEA NEL BASSO PIEMONTE"EXHIBITIONS(maggio 20) 17:00 - (luglio 9) 19:00 Monastero Bormida, Castello MedievaleCATEGORIA:ARTEGENERE:Arte,PitturaTARGET:Per TuttiCOMUNE:MONASTERO BORMIDA (AT)


Dettagli Evento

In ideal continuity with the major exhibition of 2021 dedicated to artists from the provinces of Asti, Alessandria and Cuneo active in the first half of the twentieth century, this review proposes an anthology as complete as possible of authors who worked in Lower Piedmont from 1950 to the dawn of the new millennium.

This territory, characterized by a unique nature and landscape, gave birth to or hosted a considerable number of painters and sculptors, many of them of not only national renown, active protagonists of a number of avant-garde movements that characterized and left an indelible mark on the art expressions of the twentieth century.

To them is dedicated the exhibition set up in the spacious and well-equipped exhibition halls of the medieval castle of Monastero Bormida, which consists of a hundred works and starts with paintings and sculptures made in the 1950s.

VENUE: Exhibition halls of the medieval castle of Monastero Bormida.

OPENING HOURS: Saturday: 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. – Sunday: 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Other days for groups by appointment.

INFO: Association “Museo del Monastero”> tel. 349 6760008;;

Municipality of Monastero Bormida> tel. 0144 88012;;


Maggio 20 (Sabato) 17:00 - Luglio 9 (Domenica) 19:00


Monastero Bormida, Castello Medievale

Piazza Castello, 1, 14058 Monastero Bormida AT


Associazione Culturale Museo del Monastero - 349.6760008


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