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luglio, 2018
CLOSED SATURDAY 2 JUNE Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 2.30 pm guided tours of the Villa, to the gardens with final wine tasting. Cost € 10.00
Every Friday, Saturday and Sunday at 2.30 pm guided tours of the Villa, to the gardens with final wine tasting. Cost € 10.00 per person. Reservation is not required.
For visits to the Herta Temple we kindly ask you to make an advance reservation to the number 335 6312093/335 5386371/0144 322177 – supplement of € 5.00 per person (to be added to the cost of the visit).
For visits on other days for groups of at least 10 people, a reservation is required.
Where: Villa Ottolenghi
Info: accoglienza@borgomonterosso.org – cell: 335.6312093 / 335.5386371 – 0144.322177
6 (Venerdì) 14:30 - 8 (Domenica) 20:00
Acqui Terme (AL), Villa Ottolenghi, Borgo Monterosso
Comune Acqui TermeUfficio turismo 0144 770298 / 0144 770274 | turismo@comuneacqui.com
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